When the traffic noises are replaced by the soothing sound of the gentle waves, when you saunter in the pristine beach and the eternal waters kiss your feet, you will discover your peace at Andamans. The fascinating realm will surprise you with the golden dawn, yet it will melt your heart under the immortal flame and the purple sunsets. Like the pearls in the azure vast sea, Andamans in India is one of the most intriguing islands in the world. Immensely bequeathed with the enchanting coastline, and the tranquil ambiance, Andamans is the explorers' paradise and peace seekers delight. Incorporating 572 archipelagos, it owns luxuriant forested hinterland, multiple leisure options, and the mesmerizing vicinities. It is where the turquoise water embraces the shimmering sands, and the mangrove forests and ancient woodlands paint the province with prolific greens.
So, come and have a glimpse into the list of interesting Andaman sea facts that will surely leave you awestruck.
Incorporated in the Indian Ocean, Andaman Sea is positioned to the north of Sumatra Island, east of Andaman Islands, South of Myanmar, Southeast of the Bay of Bengal, west of Thailand, and northwest of Malay Peninsula.
The Island is globally notable. It is the habitation and the nesting seashores for the largest turtle in the world.
The vegetation of the coastal area of Andaman Sea is marked by the sea grass and the mangroves. More than 600 square kilometers of the banks of the Malay Peninsula is capped with mangroves which are the sole cause for the richness of the coastal waters.
As shown in the map, Andaman Sea lies into the eastern territory of Andaman Islands.
Katchal, a tiny Island is the first settled province on earth to get the first sunrise of the millennium. Representing the first sunrise of the Katchal, India Post commemorated the stamp.
Underneath the Andaman Sea, to the eastern province of the great Andamans, rests Barren Island. It is the only active volcano linked with the Indian subcontinent at present.
The tender Dugong, a huge sea cow is marine vegetarians with stout features and paddle like front flippers. This creature is termed the ‘angle of the sea' and the state animal of Andaman Islands.
So, Come! Delve into the realm of breathtaking azures.
1. Location:

2. Mud Volcanoes:
Baratang in Andaman is the only region in India that witnesses mud volcanoes.3. Hydrology:
The salinity of the Andaman Sea is largely decided by the climate and the monsoons of the Southeast Asia.4. Abode of the largest turtle:

5. Pandanus, the rare fruit:
Pandanus, known as Nicobar Bread fruit is a rare fruit seen in the Nicobar Islands. It possesses a great commercial significance in the islands. The fruit is widely eaten, the stem branches are utilized for construction, leaves are used for weaving mats and the hard shell of the fruit is utilized as a bathing brush.6. Traditional fishing zone:
The Andaman Sea has been traditionally used for fishing and transportation of goods between the coastal countries. Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami in 2004 severely damaged the fishery and infrastructures.7. Mangrove flora:

8. Fauna:
The Andaman sea waters and the Malay Peninsula approve the growth of 280 edible fish species. Of those, 149 species dwell in sea grass, 232 species are spotted in the mangroves and, 101 species are familiar to both the environments.9. Coral Reefs:
Andaman Sea is rich in coral reefs. Specifically, the Malay Peninsula is more luxuriant with coral reefs.10. Andaman Sea Map:

11. Fishing is prohibited:
It is assumed that in Andaman Sea, fishes die of old age. It's been more than four decades that the commercial fishing has been prohibited around the Andaman Islands.12. Domain:
The normal depth of the Andaman Sea is about 1,000 meters. Due to the residue accumulated by the Irrawaddy River, the northern and Southern regions are shallower: The central and western regions are deeper than 3,000 meters. In the east, the depth exceeds 4,000 meters.13. The first Sunlight:

14. Swiftlet birds that build edible nests:
Every monsoon, the limestone Alfred Caves of Diglipur alters their configuration due to a chemical process. These notably small caves are abode to the Swiftlet birds that build a rare edible nest.15. Water Hazards:
Andaman Sea has never testified shark attacks. However, explorers should shun wimming alone at night. But keep in the back of your mind that crocodiles are a genuine threat in the Andaman Sea.16. Only active volcano:

17. The remote Kala Paani Jail:
After the revolt of 1857, Cellular Jail was established by the British in Andaman Sea Islands. The most isolated province served for detaching the captives from the rest of the world.18. The largest existing arthropod in the world:
Birgus Latro or Robber crab, also known as the coconut crab is the largest living arthropod in the world. They usually live in the land, but during nights, they mount up the coconut trees to consume the soft core. The leading populations of these crabs are seen in Andaman and Nicobars.19. The state animal:

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